Over the past few years, there have been some well-known Christian couples to divorce and people are totally taken off guard when it happens. Although I’m disappointed, I can’t say that I’m completely surprised. Believers have the same struggles as everyone else. When we struggle, we don’t always know how to deal with the fact that […]
Single or Dating

Q&A Do I have to have a Relationship with His Nosey, Controlling Mother?
Q. I dated my fiancé for 9 months before he proposed. Things were going well with his mother and me until after he proposed. She wants everything to be her way because of family traditions. Not only does she insist that we get married at her church—the one that he grew up in, she wants […]

Q & A I Still Can’t get over the EX After 3 years
Q. I dated my EX for over 2 years and we broke up 3 years ago. I thought we would eventually get married but he never proposed. A few weeks before we broke up, he started acting cold towards me. He would cancel our plans. When we did go out, he would get really quiet—as […]